Darkroom series of Photographs from my Independent study course in College. These images are well over 12 years old and I've decided to shared them with you here.(now I feel old) All of these images are of varying Darkroom processes and techniques.(Cyanotype converted to B&W Digitally) Cyanotype- was discover well over 100+ years ago by Sir John Herschel discovered this procedure in 1842. My images were made using multiple techniques. i.e. combining partial development, Blue Tone, Sepia Tone, Sandwich Printing and re-applying developer to finished images (weird yellow blotches on some of the photographs) Developer HC-110 (that was my secret) Years later I was invited as a guest speaker at my college to show students my alternative series. ( I'm not much of a guest speaker) My professor would introduced me and do most of the talking. I just stood there and answer questions after. I enjoy talking about the process not myself. enjoy